Coredesi lets you connect with fellow Desi’s and find opportunities and solutions in your community. Try the live app here >

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What is Coredesi ?

Coredesi allows you to take part in the community opportunities. Specially designed for the desi community, it allows you to find service providers, vendors, suppliers and solutions that can solve your ‘not-so-english’ requirements. Explore and become a part of this community today

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Our app is available on any mobile device! Download now to get started!

Its free, and its gonna be that way.

Check out what you can do on Coredesi

Post Requests

Have a requirement and need a local vendor ? Post on coredesi and allow local service providers to reach out to you directly

Add business listing

Add business listing

Put an image, video, animation, or anything else in the screen!

Talk Direct

With our inbuilt messaging system, you don’t need to share your personal details unless you want to. You can always converse on Coredesi itself.

Find businesses

Search and find hundreds of desi businesses on Coredesi.

Family. Away
from Family.

Let's Get Started!

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